Springfield Miss Lucy


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Miss Lucy is one of the seven nicknames given to the Red Stumpnose by the fisherman of the Southern Cape. Like many other marine species, the Miss Lucy has been over-exploited and is now critically endangered. Created as an ode to the bounty of the sea, Miss Lucy can turn the many other delights safe to grace our tables, into a celebration of the ocean. Only a salty breeze and a sunny day can improve what is already a perfect match. This unique blend of Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon and Pinot Gris bursts with citrus pamplemousse flavours and an ample mouth feel, yet remarkably moderate in alcohol.

41% Sauvignon Blanc, 29% Semillon, 30% Pinot Gris

Alcohol : 12.5% vol
TA : 7.5 g/l
Sugar : 1.8 g/l
pH : 3.45

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